Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Back to the beach?

Tourism and Asia's tsunami

Jan 6th 2005
From The Economist print edition

A quick revival of tourism would help some countries recover

THIS is the time of year when millions of Europeans relax with a glossy travel brochure or, nowadays, surf the internet, to plan and book their summer holidays. It may seem heartless to dream about a sunny beach in the aftermath of the devastation and loss of life caused by the Asian tsunami. But tourism is one of the most important industries in Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Maldives—all badly hit by the huge tsunami—and the return of tourists will make it easier for their battered res don't get to go to USC this semester. Okay, that would be the most horrible thing ever and I would fucked over. So then, someone else did something in the system and let me use my loan checks, which made it better, but then they told me the check wasn't there yet even. I was like, you're kidding, it said in the loan agreement that it had to be sent out by Dec. 28th. Then they told me that it couldn't be because of federal regulations. But guess what everyone, it was sent out on the 29th of Dec.! Gee..what a concept, me knowing my own bank/loan agreements. Then my dad called and gave me all the information I needed. So yes, while I may be okay as faram as this goes for now, that doesn't mean I am not going to keep trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and where the hell my check is.
i w
Damn you little old ladies who don't know what you are talking about. Honestly now, if you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't be working where you are. I just don't understand. Anywho, because of all of this, I am not at my French lab. I have to email my professor and explain it so that they don't think I am just a slackass who doesn't want to be here, because as you all know already, or will soon find out, that is not the case. I like it here very much, even if I do bitch about having to go to class...meh..it happens. I guess I will stop ranting now. Bye.
it here very much, even if I do bitch about having to go to class...meh..it happens. I guess I will stop ranting now. Bye.


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